Sunday, January 5, 2020

Asexuality and the Brain - 1368 Words

Despite the large collection of literature of sexuality that has been accumulating, human asexuality has been largely ignored. Asexuality is controversially considered to be a sexual orientation and people who identify as asexual are people who typically do not experience sexual attraction (Asexuality Visibility and Education Network, 2013). Though research on sex and sexual orientations has been done for centuries, the first real suggestion that there might be people who fall outside of the heterosexual – homosexual orientation spectrum came from Kinsey and colleagues in 1948. These individuals were put into a separate category and were identified as having no erotic response to hetero- or homosexual stimuli, but otherwise they were†¦show more content†¦An example of a romantic asexual would be an individual who identifies as hetero-romantic. These individuals are interested in romantic relationships with the opposite sex, but would prefer not to have a sexual as pect to that relationship (Scherrer, 2008). Another difference within the community involves masturbatory practices. Some Aces do masturbate for a variety of reasons, including tension relief or to experience an orgasm. Others, however, have absolutely no motivation or desire to masturbate. Many asexuals do not see masturbation as a sexual event for them, however (Scherrer, 2008). There is even variation in how asexuals view sex. Some Aces understand sex but are not interested in having it themselves, while others are disgusted by the act (Carrigan, 2011). There are asexuals who will have sexual intercourse with a romantic partner who identifies as sexual because it makes their partner happy, and there are others who would never consent to sex (Carrigan, 2011). To date, no clear cause of asexuality has been discovered. Bogaert provided some guesses that may be related to asexuality, such as possible alteration of the hypothalamus (Bogaert, 2006). He also believed that Aces were usually in poorer health, weighed less, and were shorter than individuals who identified as some type of sexual. Because these characteristics can identify many types of people, not just asexuals, relying on them for identification means would be pointless. BrottoShow MoreRelatedEssay about Human Sexuality2060 Words   |  9 Pagesattraction to people of any gender or sex (Prause and Graham). While giving this simpler explanation to explain asexuality to the general public, they also acknowledge that there is a wide range of diversity within the asexual community (Scherrer). In 1948, Kinseys study identified 1.5% of the male population in America as asexual ( category X), and in 2004 Anthony Bogaert’s â€Å"Asexuality: Prevalence and Associated Factors in National Probability Sample,† suggests that 1% of the British populationRead MoreThe Issue Of Sexual Orientation1090 Words   |  5 Pagespsychologists only consider three categories of sexual orientation, and state that everyone should fall into one of them (â€Å"Sexual Orientation† 1). Certainly, the fact that most people believe that other common sex terms, such as transsexuality and asexuality, are sexual orientations exemplifies the confusion that exists around the topic; these misconceptions are the ones that obscure the concept of sexual orientation. Misconceptions about sexual orientation arise from the fact that most people confuseRead MoreAutism Spectrum Disorder ( Asd ) Essay1822 Words   |  8 Pagesare considered be lower functioning on the Autism Spectrum, with a high comorbidity of Intellectual Disability of some order (Dworzyncki et al 2012), A popular and controversial explanation for this significant sexual dimorphism is the Extreme Male Brain Theory (EMB), which was first espoused by Dr. Simon Baron-Cohen (2002). According to this theory in general females score high as aspects of empathy, recognizing emotional states and their appropriate response as measured the Empathy Quotient (EQ)Read MoreHesi Practice31088 Words   |  125 Pagesgain and diet. B. Be alert for a possible eating problem and do a further in-depth assessment. C. Report the client s concerns to her caregiver. D. Ask her to come back to the clinic every 2 weeks for a weight check. 166. The least serious form of brain trauma, characterized by a brie f loss of consciousness and period of confusion, is called A. contusion. B. concussion. C. coup. D. contrecoup. 167. The physician orders a tricyclic antidepressant for a client who has suffered an acute myocardial infarction

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